Saturday, December 1, 2018

Calendar Corner - December

December is jam packed with holiday celebrations - so much so that I don't think we stop "doing" December until half way into January! Here's a list of holiday ideas for celebration fun.

01 - Christmas Parade Day (at least in our town!)
02 - Hanukkah Begins
03 - Make a Gift Day
03 - Walt Disney Day
04 - Cookie Day
04 - Dice Day
05 - International Ninja Day
06 - St. Nicholas Day
06 - Miner's Day
08 - Brownie Day
08 - Gingerbread Decorating Day
09 - Christmas Card Day
12 - Poinsettia Day
12 - Gingerbread Decorating Day
13 - Hot Cocoa Day
17 - Wright Brothers Day
18 - Bake Cookies Days
19 - Look for an Evergreen Day
20 - Go Caroling Day
20 - Games Day
21 - Winter Solstice
21 - Ugly Sweater Day
22 - Cookie Exchange Day
23 - Festivus
23 - Christmas Eve Eve
24 - Christmas Eve
25 - Christmas Day
26 - Candy Cane Day
26 - Boxing Day
27 - Make Cut Out Snowflakes Day
28 - Card Playing Day
31 - New Year's Eve

I'm sure there are many more celebrations than the ones I have listed here. How do you celebrate December? Let me know?

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