Saturday, November 30, 2019

Girl Scout Fun Ideas - December Edition

I've worked with Girl Scouts for nearly two decades (it really doesn't feel like that long!) and one of the things I loved most about having a Girl Scout troop was our holiday and seasonal activities. The ideas I share in these monthly posts are from a New Leader Booklet that was shared with me when I started leading Girl Scout troops in the early 2000s. Since our council (and as far as I know any other) no longer shares this information, I want to make it accessible on the internet. Enjoy!
Note: Please be careful to remember that not everyone celebrates Christmas! If all of the girls in your troop are of one faith, you could go ahead and do the typical crafts, holiday caroling, etc. However, it is much better to remember that Girl Scouting is not a Christian organization, and that we want to inclusive to girls of all faiths. As such, this might be a perfect opportunity to learn about other faiths by doing activities such as Hanukkah dreidels, something related to Kwanzaa, etc. 
Take part in a service project benefiting others, such as a food drive, toy drive, or gift giving to those less fortunate.
Have a cookie exchange.
Decorate cookies or cakes to donate or keep.
Make gingerbread houses with graham crackers and small milk cartons.
Make angel dolls. Cute what material approx. 8"x 5". Satiny material looks great. Fold down 1/3 and stuff a ball of stuffing for the head, tie with attractive cord. Add a second piece of material approx. 4"x 12", tie around the shoulders with a cross cross in front for wings. Add doll hair, use markers for faces, and make a halo with star garland.
Make sock snowmen: Take one boys' tube sock, turned inside out (so you have the fleecy side out). Stuff with three balls of polyester stuffing, (largest at bottom, smallest on top for head). Turn down cuff of sock; stripes form hat. Decorate with black pompoms for face and buttons and add a shiny piece of orange felt for the nose. Glue with tacky glue or glue guns (be careful!). Tie ribbon around the neck and sing Frosty the Snowman.
Take an outdoor hike, especially in the rain. Notice all of the changes taking place (bare trees, etc.) Be sure to take along a trash bag and pick up any trash you find. If everybody doesn't have a raincoat, cut holes in large trash bags for arms and heads. Jump in puddles. Find a rainbow.
Make rain pictures. Put a piece of paper down on the ground, weighted down on the edges so it won't blow away. Sprinkle some dry tempera paint on the paper. Let rain sprinkle on the paper. Look to see what designs were made.
Play with your food! On December 23, the Festival of the Radishes is celebrated in Mexico. Giant radishes are carved into figures of people and animals. Prizes are awarded. Practice knife safety and carve a few radishes, too. Perhaps you can even practice making beautiful garnishes for food during the holidays. 
To the best of my knowledge, this booklet originated in the San Francisco area (the original specified places in that area along with including a San Fran phone number.) The ideas I have shared are not my own, though I have modified a few to include more updated information. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Twelve Days of Thanksgiving - Day 12

Days of Thanksgiving
I've always loved these ideas that extend through multiple days to celebrate the holiday seasons (did you catch my 13 Days of Halloween posts?). This year I found ideas for the 12 Days of Thanksgiving and I couldn't resist sharing them with you. The ideas in this post came from a very vintage magazine called Copycat Press from 1990 (which just doesn't feel like it should be labeled very vintage, but I suppose that's because I am very vintage myself!) 

The ideas are centered around using the poetry from It's Thanksgiving by Jack Prelutsky. I didn't have this book in our Club library, but I did find a few versions of read alouds online. Here's the one that includes the entire book (which is helpful since you'll use different poems each day).

Twelfth Day of Thanksgiving
No matter how much we look forward to smelling the turkey roasting in the oven and eating turkey at holiday time, just a few days of eating turkey leftovers leaves your taste buds hoping for a change in the menu. See how inventive your members can be. Read aloud the poem "Leftovers." Then challenge the kids to create an unusual turkey leftover dish. Hold a Turkey Leftover Contest. See who can come up with the most unusual turkey concoction. Perhaps you could have the group vote on the recipe they would most like to try and let the winner try their hand at preparing their concoction with the kitchen staff to share with other members.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Twelve Days of Thanksgiving - Day 11

Days of Thanksgiving
I've always loved these ideas that extend through multiple days to celebrate the holiday seasons (did you catch my 13 Days of Halloween posts?). This year I found ideas for the 12 Days of Thanksgiving and I couldn't resist sharing them with you. The ideas in this post came from a very vintage magazine called Copycat Press from 1990 (which just doesn't feel like it should be labeled very vintage, but I suppose that's because I am very vintage myself!) 

The ideas are centered around using the poetry from It's Thanksgiving by Jack Prelutsky. I didn't have this book in our Club library, but I did find a few versions of read alouds online. Here's the one that includes the entire book (which is helpful since you'll use different poems each day).

Eleventh Day of Thanksgiving
Turn your Club members into turkeys! All the inspiration they'll need is found in the poem "Gobble, Gobble." Ask students to show how a proud turkey would sound. Have members imagine that they are turkeys who are trying to teach themselves how to fly. Group members together to act out turkey parents trying to get their chicks to eat when they aren't hungry or have them pretend they're turkeys taking part in the "Most Beautiful Turkey Contest." Get your camera ready for this action!

Monday, November 25, 2019

Twelve Days of Thanksgiving - Day 10

Days of Thanksgiving
I've always loved these ideas that extend through multiple days to celebrate the holiday seasons (did you catch my 13 Days of Halloween posts?). This year I found ideas for the 12 Days of Thanksgiving and I couldn't resist sharing them with you. The ideas in this post came from a very vintage magazine called Copycat Press from 1990 (which just doesn't feel like it should be labeled very vintage, but I suppose that's because I am very vintage myself!) 

The ideas are centered around using the poetry from It's Thanksgiving by Jack Prelutsky. I didn't have this book in our Club library, but I did find a few versions of read alouds online. Here's the one that includes the entire book (which is helpful since you'll use different poems each day).

Tenth Day of Thanksgiving
Remember the anticipation you felt as you made a wish and pulled as hard as you could on the turkey wishbone? There's a little bit of a dreamer in all of us. Focus on this when you read "The Wishbone." Reproduce the wishbone pattern below [from the original publication from Copycat Press]. Ask members to make a wish and explain why they would like this wish and explanation inside the wishbone reproducible. Challenge the group to think of non-material wishes... for their family, for the environment, or for the world! Cut out the wishbones and glue them to a piece of construction paper. Display them on a bulletin board with the title "MAY ALL YOUR WISHES COME TRUE!"

Click on the image above to be taken to a larger image of the reproducible. You're welcome to use this in your Clubs, classrooms, or any kind of after school program. If you share it with others, please share my blog as well. Thank you!
Additional Idea: After you have read "The Wishbone" ask children to share their experiences with wishing on wishbones. Afterward, invite them to make these wishbone booklets to share with their families. First have members color and cut out several copies of the wishbone booklet (image above). Ask them to write or draw about a Thanksgiving wish on the back of each page. To make a front cover, have members cut out only the wishbone from the booklet page and glue it onto a 9-inch paper plate and title the cover "My Thanksgiving Wishes." Finally have them stack and staple their pages between the front cover and another paper plate.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Twelve Days of Thanksgiving - Day 9

Days of Thanksgiving
I've always loved these ideas that extend through multiple days to celebrate the holiday seasons (did you catch my 13 Days of Halloween posts?). This year I found ideas for the 12 Days of Thanksgiving and I couldn't resist sharing them with you. The ideas in this post came from a very vintage magazine called Copycat Press from 1990 (which just doesn't feel like it should be labeled very vintage, but I suppose that's because I am very vintage myself!) 

The ideas are centered around using the poetry from It's Thanksgiving by Jack Prelutsky. I didn't have this book in our Club library, but I did find a few versions of read alouds online. Here's the one that includes the entire book (which is helpful since you'll use different poems each day).

Ninth Day of Thanksgiving
Anyone who is a true blue football fan (or who knows one) will appreciate the poem "Daddy's Football Game." Read it to the group and discuss words or phrases that are associated with the game of football. Then ask members to create an acrostic poem for the word football. Provide a helping hand by choosing one of the words from the sample below to get them started. Children may also use the names of sports teams such as Falcons, Oilers, Bears, or Lions.

After members have completed their football poems, try a game of flag football to give a chance to run and provide some physical activity. If you would like a printable base for their poems, I have created the one below for use in our Club. Enjoy!
Click on the image above to be taken to a larger image of the poem base. I created this printable with graphics purchased from EduClips (<-- and there's the link in case you want to purchase some of her awesome work). You're welcome to use this in your Clubs, classrooms, or any kind of after school program. If you share it with others, please share my blog as well. Thank you!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Twelve Days of Thanksgiving - Day 8

Days of Thanksgiving
I've always loved these ideas that extend through multiple days to celebrate the holiday seasons (did you catch my 13 Days of Halloween posts?). This year I found ideas for the 12 Days of Thanksgiving and I couldn't resist sharing them with you. The ideas in this post came from a very vintage magazine called Copycat Press from 1990 (which just doesn't feel like it should be labeled very vintage, but I suppose that's because I am very vintage myself!) 

The ideas are centered around using the poetry from It's Thanksgiving by Jack Prelutsky. I didn't have this book in our Club library, but I did find a few versions of read alouds online. Here's the one that includes the entire book (which is helpful since you'll use different poems each day).

Eighth Day of Thanksgiving
Ask members to collect old magazines to be used for a cut and paste project [another great resource for this project is colorful grocery ads]. Divide the members into groups and practice reading aloud the poem "I Ate Too Much." Have each group present their reading of the poem to the group. Discuss the many favorite foods that are served for Thanksgiving dinner. Talk about balanced meals and the body's need for a balanced diet. Then, pass out two paper plates, the magazines [or grocery ads], scissors, and glue to each child. Ask members to cut out pictures of food from the magazines and ads.

If you're looking to incorporate this activity in with a regular program, it would pair nicely with Healthy Habits.
Click on the image above to be taken to a larger image of the poem. I created this printable with graphics purchased from EduClips (<-- and there's the link in case you want to purchase some of her awesome work). You're welcome to use this in your Clubs, classrooms, or any kind of after school program. If you share it with others, please share my blog as well. Thank you!

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Twelve Days of Thanksgiving - Day 7

Days of Thanksgiving
I've always loved these ideas that extend through multiple days to celebrate the holiday seasons (did you catch my 13 Days of Halloween posts?). This year I found ideas for the 12 Days of Thanksgiving and I couldn't resist sharing them with you. The ideas in this post came from a very vintage magazine called Copycat Press from 1990 (which just doesn't feel like it should be labeled very vintage, but I suppose that's because I am very vintage myself!) 

The ideas are centered around using the poetry from It's Thanksgiving by Jack Prelutsky. I didn't have this book in our Club library, but I did find a few versions of read alouds online. Here's the one that includes the entire book (which is helpful since you'll use different poems each day).

Seventh Day of Thanksgiving
Read the poem "When Daddy Carves the Turkey." Ask members to write their own directions for the best way to carve a turkey... step by step. Then have each one explain his or her carving technique to the group. After kids have gotten their techniques perfected, invite them to record their best turkey carving technique and share it with families.

To help kids have a format to complete this activity I have created the How to Carve a Turkey Printable. You're welcome to use it with this poem or any other activity.

Click on the image above to be taken to a larger image of the poem. I created this printable with graphics purchased from EduClips (<-- and there's the link in case you want to purchase some of her awesome work). You're welcome to use this in your Clubs, classrooms, or any kind of after school program. If you share it with others, please share my blog as well. Thank you!

Girl Scout Fun Ideas - February Edition

I've worked with Girl Scouts for nearly two decades (it really doesn't feel like that long!) and one of the things I loved mo...